Subject Listing by Department
AAccounting | ACC |
Afro-American Studies | AAS |
Anthropology | ANTH |
Architecture | AAE |
Architecture Design | AAD |
Art | ART |
Athletic Training | ATE |
Biological Sciences | BIOL |
Business Administration | BUS |
Business Law | BLW |
Career Education | EDCT |
Chemistry | CHEM |
Chinese | CHI |
Civil Engineering | CEE |
College of Education | COE |
College of Fine Arts | CFA |
College of Liberal Arts | COLA |
Communication Studies | COM |
Comprehensive Medical Imaging | CMI |
Computer Engineering | CPE |
Computer Science | CS |
Construction Management | CEM |
Counselor Education | CED |
Couple And Family Therapy | CFT |
Criminal Justice | CRJ |
Critical Multicultural Education | CME |
Curriculum and Instruction - Technology | CIT |
Curriculum and Instruction Elementary | CIE |
Curriculum and Instruction General | CIG |
Curriculum and Instruction Literacy | CIL |
Curriculum and Instruction Secondary | CIS |
Cybersecurity | CSEC |
Dance | DAN |
Data Analytics | DA |
Early Childhood | ECE |
Economics - Graduate | ECO |
Economics - Undergraduate | ECON |
Education | EDU |
Education: Elementary | EDEL |
Education: Reading and Language | EDRL |
Education: Secondary | EDSC |
Educational Administration | EDA |
Educational Leadership Phd | EDH |
Educational Policy and Leadership | EPL |
Educational Psychology | EPY |
Electrical and Computer Engineering - Graduate | ECG |
Electrical and Computer Engineering - Undergraduate | EE |
Engineering | EGG |
English | ENG |
Entertainment Engineering | EED |
Environmental Studies | ENV |
Environmental and Occupational Health | EOH |
Epidemiology and Biostatistics | EAB |
Film | FILM |
Finance | FIN |
Food and Beverage | FAB |
French | FREN |
Gaming Management | GAM |
General Studies Communication | GSC |
Geography | GEOG |
Geology | GEOL |
German | GER |
Graphic Design and Media | GRC |
Health Care Administration | HCA |
Health Education | HED |
Health Physics | HPS |
Health Science | HSC |
History | HIST |
Honors | HON |
Hotel Administration | HOA |
Hotel Management | HMD |
Intercollegiate and Professional Sport Management | IPSM |
Interdisciplinary Studies | IDS |
Interior Design | AAI |
International Business | IB |
Italian | ITAL |
Japanese | JPN |
Journalism and Media Studies - Graduate | JMS |
Journalism and Media Studies - Undergraduate | JOUR |
Kinesiology | KIN |
Landscape Architecture | LAND |
Latin | LAT |
Latin American Studies | LAS |
Leadership Development and Engagement | LDE |
Management | MGT |
Management Information Systems - Graduate | MIS |
Management Information Systems - Undergraduate | IS |
Marketing | MKT |
Master of Business Administration | MBA |
Master of Hospitality Administration | MHA |
Mathematics - Graduate | MAT |
Mathematics - Undergraduate | MATH |
Mechanical Engineering | ME |
Military Science | MIL |
Music | MUS |
Neuroscience | NEUS |
Nutrition Sciences | NUTR |
Occupational Therapy | OCT |
PGA Golf Management | PGM |
Philosophy | PHIL |
Physical Education | PED |
Physical Education: Activity | PEX |
Physical Therapy | DPT |
Physics | PHYS |
Political Science | PSC |
Psychology | PSY |
Public Administration | PUA |
Public Affairs | PAF |
Public Health | PBH |
Quantitative Finance | FINQ |
Radiologic Technology | RAD |
Real Estate | RE |
School Psychology | EPP |
Session 1 Courses | SU1 |
Session 2 Courses | SU2 |
Session 3 Courses | SU3 |
Social Work | SW |
Sociology | SOC |
Spanish | SPAN |
Special Education | ESP |
Special Education - Undergraduate | EDSP |
Sports Management | SPTM |
Statistics - Graduate | STA |
Statistics - Undergraduate | STAT |
Supply Chain | SCM |
Teaching English as a Second Language | TESL |
Theatre Arts | THTR |
Tourism | TCA |
Urban Leadership Development | ULD |
Urban Studies | URST |
Web-based Courses | WEB |
Womens Studies | WMST |
Workforce Education - Graduate | EDW |
Workforce Education - Undergraduate | EDWF |
World Languages and Cultures | WLC |