
2025 Fees

Visit our Fee Estimator at summerterm.unlv.edu/feecalc

2025 Undergraduate Course Fees

$299.50 per credit Undergraduate credit
$1.97 per credit Undergraduate CSUN fee
$14.50 per credit Student Facility fee ($87 max)
$11.00 per credit Technology fee
$0.20 per credit Student Newspaper fee
$3.00 per credit Student Services Undergraduate fee
$54.25 flat Student Health fee (1 time / covers all 3 sessions)
$25.00 flat Academic Success Initiative fee
$30.00 flat C.A.P.S - Counseling & Psychological Services Fee
$100.00 per credit Non-resident Tuition fee
$34.00 per credit Distance Education fee

2025 Graduate Course Fees

$364.50 per credit Graduate credit
$14.50 per credit Student Facility fee ($87 max)
$11.00 per credit Technology fee
$0.20 per credit Student Newspaper fee
$7.00 per credit Student Services Graduate fee
$54.25 flat Student Health fee (1 time / covers all 3 sessions)
$35.00 flat Graduate Professional and Career Development fee
$30.00 flat C.A.P.S - Counseling & Psychological Services Fee
$25.00 flat GPSA Special Fee
$100.00 per credit Non-resident Tuition fee
$34.00 per credit Distance Education fee

Non-Resident Tuition

$100.00 per credit in addition to per credit course fee. See Residency for Purpose of Tuition for more information.

International Student Fee

$145.00 per semester for International Students in addition to per credit course fee. This fee supports the Office of International Students and Scholars, its staff, management, operations, and programming.

Online Education

$34.00 per credit fee assessed for any course classified as Online Education in addition to the per credit course fee.

Special Fees

Individual courses may have special fees associated with them. Check the specific course listing in MyUNLV to determine if a special fee is assessed in addition to the course fees.

Late Registration Fee

$50.00 for late registration

Late Payment Fee

$25.00 per day, with a maximum of $50 per session

Differential Program Fees

The Board of Regents of the State of Nevada approved a proposal to implement differential tuition to selected programs. Refer to the Board of Regents Manual, Section 7, on Differential Fees for programs affected by these fees.

Student Health Fee

This fee is mandatory for all Degree Seeking registered graduate and undergraduate Summer Term students. Access is provided to on-campus medical and health services from the first day of Session I through the last day of Session III regardless of sessions attended. Non-admitted Summer Term students may voluntarily pay the health fee to receive services. For additional information regarding the student health fee, please contact the Office of the Assistant Vice President for Student Wellness, (702) 895-0136.

Auditing Students

Students wishing to Audit a course pay the same fees as students enrolled for credit. Changing from grade to audit can now be done in MyUNLV. Refer to Dates & Deadlines for applicable deadlines.

Term Charges

Charges classified as term charges are due prior to the start of the term or within 24 hours of registering for a course. Failure to pay these charges will result in a hold being placed on the student's account.

*The University of Nevada, Las Vegas reserves the right to change fees, tuition, class times, days, buildings, rooms, and instructors where circumstances warrant such changes.

Payment Due Dates

Fees for Summer Term 2025 are due as follows:
Term Charges: May 16
Session I: May 16
Session II: June 6
Session III: July 11
Summer Regular: May 16

You are responsible to have your fees paid by the due dates. You will be responsible for all applicable late fees.

Summer Term does not send bills.

When to Pay
Payments are due by the stated deadline date. Please have your payment made prior to the deadline date to avoid any late penalties. Summer Term courses have a variety of start and end dates – pay special attention to payment and drop deadlines for each course.
Dates listed above are for standard session courses. See specific course listings on the Summer Term online schedule for the applicable drop dates for nonstandard courses that do not meet within the dates of Session I, II, or III.

What to Pay
To determine your fees owed visit MyUNLV and click on the "My Account" tile, then the “Charges Due” tab. Check this page each time you drop or add courses to ensure your account is fully paid.

If you do not pay fees by the end of the Late Payment period, you will be administratively dropped from the course(s) before the end of the Academic Drop period.

If, after you register, you change your mind and no longer want to be enrolled, go to MyUNLV and drop the course(s) to remove your obligation to pay. To receive a 100% refund you must drop the course(s) by the day before session begins.

If you are registered for Fall, and have Fall fees, any credit from your Summer Term balance will immediately be applied to the Fall fees.

Need assistance paying fees?
Summer Payment Plans for information regarding available payment plans.
Summer Financial Aid for information regarding aid opportunities. To avoid late penalties, confirm aid will be awarded by the business day before the session begins. Students who intend to use financial aid to pay for Summer Term courses are not exempt from the payment deadline dates. The University does not defer tuition and fees for pending financial aid.

If you are receiving financial aid, including Millennium Scholarship, it is your responsibility to contact Financial Aid and Scholarships at (702)895-3424 to ensure that your fees are paid by the payment due dates.

Fee Payment Options


Pay fees online through MyUNLV using your Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express. If your credit card is declined, you will NOT be notified and late fees may be assessed. You must check your MyUNLV account in three business days (not including Saturday and Sunday) to ensure your bank accepted the payment. Late fees are NOT calculated into the balance total on your MyUNLV account.

Cashier's Office

You may make cash payments in person at the Cashier's Office. This is the only way to pay cash for your fees, however cash payments are not recommended. It is recommended that you purchase a cashier's check or money order and place it in the drop box. A cashier's check or money order is traceable whereas cash is not.

The Cashier's Office is located on the first floor of the Student Services Complex (SSC-A 131).


Verbal credit card payments over the phone cannot be accepted, but a credit card authorization form is available for download. Fill out the authorization form and fax it to (702) 895-1164.

Drop Box

There is a drop box on campus for check and money order payments.

  • Cashier's Office, south entrance of the Student Services Building (SSC-A), available 24 hours;

Important tips for using the drop box

  • DO NOT put cash in drop box. Check, Cashier's check, or money orders payments only;

  • Put the student's UNLV NSHE Student ID on the front of each check or money order;

  • Make the check or money order payable to Board of Regents;

  • A $25.00 service charge will be assessed for any check returned unpaid by your bank for any reason including stop payment;

  • Checks altered in any way are not accepted.


Applicable dates for 100% and 50% refunds are listed under Dates and Deadlines.

Courses dropped during the approved refund periods are processed as a credit to the student's account. A refund will be processed if the student's account results in a negative balance. Credit or Debit Card refunds are issued to the card used to make the tuition and fee payment. The Cashier's office now offers direct deposit as a more convenient means of providing refunds to students. Refunds for fees paid with financial aid will be credited back to the appropriate federal financial aid and/or institution, and will not be refunded to the student. Contact Summer Term for more information at (702) 895-3711.

Note: If you are registered for Fall and have Fall fees outstanding, any credit from your Summer Term balance will immediately be applied to the Fall fees.

Nevada Residency for the Purposes of Tuition

Residency status is determined by the Office of the Registrar located in the Student Services Complex Building C. Degree seeking non-Nevada resident students wishing consideration to change their status must contact the Office of the Registrar to obtain the appropriate application.

Non-Degree Seeking students of undetermined Nevada residency should refer to the Non-Degree Seeking Student Information website (unlv.edu/admissions/residency) for additional information.