How much is the late registration fee?
What do I do if I need to change sections or courses after the session begins?
Are registration and fee payment in Summer the same as in Fall or Spring?
How do I register or change my registration?
Is there a way to confirm my registration?
Does Summer Term have a waitlist?
If I decide not to attend a course, do I have to do anything?
What happens if I use MyUNLV to register for a course and do not go to any of the classes?
Should I wait to receive a bill to pay for my classes?
Why doesn't UNLV send bills in Summer?
How can I pay for my classes?
How much is the late payment fee?
Will I receive a receipt if I pay by credit card in MyUNLV?
My credit card statement is mailed to my home address out of state. Is there a way to make sure my credit card was charged?
Is there a limit on the number of credits that I can take during Summer?
How long do I have to drop a course and not receive a grade?
Why do I have to pay if I do not attend any classes?
Is financial aid available in the summer?
Can I use my Millennium Scholarship during the summer?
When can I expect to see my final grade?
Where can I purchase a parking permit?
When is the late registration period?
Each of the three summer sessions has its own late payment period. The dates are listed on the website under Dates and Deadlines. Non-standard, modular courses have their own late payment periods.
How much is the late registration fee?
The late registration fee is $50 for initial late registration.
What do I do if I need to change sections or courses after the session begins?
During the late registration period you may drop a course and/or add another course on the same day. The courses should carry the same number of credits and should have the same late registration period. This is called an OFFSET. The system cannot distinguish an OFFSET from any other drop and the system will assess drop penalties and late registration penalties. You must inform the Summer Term Office via email in order to remove the penalty.
Are registration and fee payment in Summer the same as in Fall or Spring?
No! The registration process is the same, but the refund policy, drop policy, and penalties are different. The summer procedures are described throughout this website. The Summer Term
How do I register or change my registration?
Log on to MyUNLV.
Is there a way to confirm my registration?
Yes, log on to MyUNLV to list your classes. It is a good idea to verify your registration by checking the system a short time after you have completed a transaction. Always check your transaction after making changes. Checking will help to avoid penalties.
Does Summer Term have a waitlist?
Waitlist will be available from March 10, 2025 through May 14, 2025. For more information on how to use the waitlist please review the Waitlist Guide
If I decide not to attend a course, do I have to do anything?
Yes! Once you have used MyUNLV to register for a course, you have told us you are coming to class and we have saved a place for you. You are responsible for all course fees even if you do not attend the course, unless you drop on-time. Consult the website for the summer drop policies. They are not the same as in Fall and Spring.
What happens if I use MyUNLV to register for a course and do not go to any of the classes?
That depends on whether you have paid or not. If you have paid and you do not drop, UNLV assumes you are in the course. You are subject to a grade, and the instructor must assign you a grade of F for the course. You must adhere to the drop policy to receive a refund. See the Dates and Deadlines. If you do not pay and do not drop the course, you may be administratively dropped for nonpayment.
Should I wait to receive a bill to pay for my classes?
No, UNLV does not send bills in summer.
Why doesn't UNLV send bills in Summer?
Many students add and drop courses repeatedly throughout the summer. There is not enough time to send a corrected bill each time a student drops or adds a course.
How can I pay for my classes?
There are two (2) methods of payment. You may pay by credit card (Discover, MasterCard, American Express, VISA, Diners Club) in MyUNLV at the time you register or at a later time; you may put a check or money order (no cash) into a drop box on campus. Whatever method you choose, please do so in a timely manner to avoid late penalties.
How much is the late payment fee?
The late payment fee is $25 per day, with a maximum of $50 per session.
When is the late payment period?
Each of the three summer sessions has its own late payment period. The dates are listed on the website under Dates and Deadlines. Non-standard courses have their own late payment periods.
Will I receive a receipt if I pay by credit card in MyUNLV?
Your credit card statement will be your receipt.
My credit card statement is mailed to my home address out of state. Is there a way to make sure my credit card was charged?
Yes, log on to MyUNLV three to five days after making payment to verify your credit card was charged. Credit card companies may refuse your payment for a variety of reasons. Remember that it is your responsibility to make sure UNLV receives payment on-time.
Credits / Drop
Seven credits in a five-week session is considered a full load. One credit in one week or four credits in three weeks is also considered a full load.
Loads above these caps will require an Overload Petition. To enroll in an overload of credits, you must obtain authorization from your academic advisor and other required authorities (specific to each college). To request an overload a student in a UNLV degree program fills out an Overload Petition obtained from the Office of the Registrar, obtains all required signatures, and presents the completed petition to the Office of the Registrar. Non-degree students follow the same procedure except that the Director of Summer Term signs as department chair and college dean. Graduate students need approval from the Graduate Dean using the Grad Rebel Gateway.
If you enroll in an overload situation and if you do not have an Overload Petition on file, you are in danger of being administratively dropped subject to fee penalties in effect at the time your registration is canceled.
Is there a limit on the number of credits that I can take ?
Undergraduate Students: 18 Credits Maximum
Session I: 4 Credits
Session II: 7 Credits
Session III: 7 Credits
Graduate Students: 15 Credits Maximum
Session I: 3 Credits
Session II: 6 Credits
Session III: 6 Credits
How long do I have to drop a course and not receive a grade?
You may drop a course and receive no grade if you drop on or before the day when 60% of the course is complete. The Registrar determines the exact dates, and they are listed under Dates and Deadlines.
Why do I have to pay if I do not attend any classes?
Summer Term is self-supporting. We depend on what you tell us when we decide to cancel a course or let it run. That decision is made based on the fact that you said you were taking the course. When a course is full and you are holding space in the class, it means another student cannot register. Remember Summer policies are not the same as those in Fall or Spring.
Graduate students may take no more than fifteen (15) credits for the entire Summer Term.Graduate students must complete the petition found online (Student's Grad Rebel Gateway -> Forms -> Additional Forms).
Failure to file an Overload Petition will result in being administratively dropped from the last class in which you enrolled.
Is financial aid available in the summer?
Yes, refer to the Financial Aid website for information regarding financial aid during the summer.
Can I use my Millennium Scholarship during the summer?
All fees must be paid by the date they are due. Students on Millennium Scholarships must pay their fees when due and reimbursement for eligible Millennium Scholars will be automatically mailed in the Fall.
When can I expect to see my final grade?: You should expect to see your grades within two business weeks after the end of the session. Go to the Academic Records tile on your Rebel Student Homepage in MyUNLV.
Where can I purchase a parking permit?
Parking Permits may be purchased on-line at Parking & Transportation Services. You may also purchase parking permits at the Department of Public Safety. Parking regulation requires the proper permit BEFORE a vehicle is parked on campus. For more information please call (702) 895-1300 or visit Parking & Transportation Services.